Hello Potential New Members!

“ I am so glad that you’re here! I am beyond excited for each and every one of you to embark on this journey to finding your community. The social connections, professional development opportunities, and personal growth that I have experienced in my time spent in Greek Life have created relationships and memories that I will forever cherish. The love that this community has for its members speaks volumes; through the incredible moments associated with college and SLO life, but especially through more vulnerable times when all you need is a strong circle of support- I would not be the woman I am today if not for that support. I am so lucky to have surrounded myself with such positive, empowering, and fun communities, and it fills me with excitement that you are interested in joining the Panhellenic family. Each chapter is unique and filled with love and commitment to their values, and I know that they are all so excited to meet you! Your home away from home is waiting for you at Cal Poly SLO, and I cannot wait for you to find that within Panhellenic.”


Natalie Victorine

VP of Recruitment
