Hi there!

We are so excited that you are considering partaking in Panhellenic recruitment in Fall 2024. We know that this can be an overwhelming process, so we are here to help in any way we can! Each of the nine sororities on our campus has something truly special to offer. Panhellenic is a place to develop life-long friendships, find a support system and be motivated to be the best version of you. Get excited for the best four years of your life!

XOXO, Panhellenic Executive Board 2024


How long is the Recruitment process?  

This year, Recruitment is two weekends long, starting on Friday, September 27th. This means it starts at the end of the first week of school and lasts for two weekends! 

Why is the First Day of Recruitment on Friday? 

It is incredibly exciting that the interest in Fall Formal Recruitment has been increasing over the past few years! In order to give PNM’s and recruiting chapters the best possible experience, Cal Poly Panhellenic has decided to split the first event, Panhellenic Day, over Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th, 2024. This means that based on class schedules, half of all registered PNM’s will visit all 9 houses on Friday and have no events on Saturday, and the other half will visit all 9 houses on Saturday, and have no events on Friday. More information will be available on the recruitment registration form, but please feel free to reach out to pha.vpr.calpoly@gmail.com with any further questions!

How do I sign up for Recruitment? 

Sign-ups open on July 1st! Keep an eye out for more dates on our @calpolypanhellenic Instagram. 

Who is eligible for recruitment?

All Cal Poly women who have not yet been initiated into a Panhellenic sorority are eligible to go through the recruitment process.

Is there a minimum GPA Requirement?

Although Panhellenic does not require a specific grade point average (GPA) to participate in formal recruitment or COB, each sorority has a minimum grade requirement to be eligible for membership. Every sorority strives to maintain a high level of academic success and must consider a woman’s ability to meet the chapter's scholastic standards. It is highly recommended that women participating in COB have at or above a 2.3 Cal Poly GPA.

How will joining a sorority affect my academics?

Historically, sororities were founded on the values of scholarship. Sororities were meant to build a community among women who attended male-dominated colleges and universities. Today, our members still recognize that school is their primary focus, which is reflected in their academic performance. Cal Poly’s Panhellenic women consistently achieve a higher average GPA than the Cal Poly Women’s average GPA. Prospective members must meet a minimum GPA in order to be initiated, and then must maintain a minimum GPA to remain an active member.
If a member is struggling academically, both the individual house and the Panhellenic Board provide resources to increase that woman’s opportunity for success, such as study hours, academic mentors, and academic plans for success. Moreover, chapters are rewarded on a quarterly basis for achieving the outstanding GPA’s, which provides even more incentive for members to focus on their academic success.
To view our Greek Community’s quarterly grade reports, please refer to the Scholarship portion of our website.